Harry R. Schwartz

Code writer, sometime Internet enthusiast, attractive nuisance.

The author at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris, November 2022. hacker news gitlab sourcehut pinboard librarything 1B41 8F2C 23DE DD9C 807E A74F 841B 3DAE 25AE 721B


British Columbia




The author at the Palais du Luxembourg in Paris, November 2022.

I’m Harry Schwartz, a software consultant living in Vancouver with a great partner and numerous houseplants. I spend a lot of time outdoors and do some recreational writing.

I’ve previously worked and studied at Google, thoughtbot, Ginkgo Bioworks, William & Mary, and Ursinus College. I’m also the organizer-emeritus of the New York Emacs Meetup, Ruby Project Night NYC, and the Classical Code Reading Group of New York.

More interested in this site than the person that runs it? I’ve stepped up this blog’s self-importance by adding a colophon.